Biologic therapy, also known as biological therapy, is a treatment used to help boost or restore the functions of the immune system. This form of treatment is often used to help fight an infection or disease. Biologic therapy can pinpoint specific areas of the immune system to help fight chronic conditions, including nasal polyps, asthma, sinus conditions, and certain skin conditions.
How Biologic Therapy is Performed
Biologic therapy is a modern treatment method that can work with the immune system to help relieve inflammation. The treatment is administered through an oral pill or an intravenous injection performed by our staff. An evaluation with our provider will determine which method will be most effective for you.
Biologic therapy in both forms uses monoclonal antibodies. These antibodies can target other existing antibodies, molecules, and cell receptors that cause inflammation. Inflammation is targeted because it is often the source of chronic conditions. In most cases, it can be challenging to treat inflammation without causing damage to the entire immune system, which is what makes biologic therapy so unique.