How Long Will My Hearing Aids Last?
When selecting hearing aids, you want them to last as long as possible. Modern, high-quality hearing aids will typically last for three to seven years, but two people can buy the same hearing aids and have them last quite different amounts of time. So, what can you do to ensure t...
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Choosing an ENT for My Child
Our children are precious, and we want the best for them. When choosing a doctor, whether an ENT (ear, nose, and throat specialist) or any medical professional, you want to ensure your child has a positive experience and the most effective treatments available. The right EN...
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Choosing a Speech Therapist
A wide range of speech issues could require assistance from a certified speech therapist. If you seek speech therapy for your child, you may have a referral from your doctor or pediatrician following a clinical appraisal. You may have noticed that your child struggles to communic...
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Can an ENT Help Me with My Thyroid Issues?
The thyroid is an endocrine gland found in the lower neck, which secretes two important hormones. One of these hormones is responsible for the metabolism of the cells in the body. When too much of the hormone is secreted, it leads to a condition called "hyperthyroidism," which sp...
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12 Symptoms of Allergies
An allergy is the body's immune reaction when exposed to certain substances. The body has a natural defense system, producing antibodies to ward off illnesses. An allergy is essentially the body producing antibodies for a non-harmful substance. When the substance is present...
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4 Reasons to get Checked for Head and Neck Cancer
Every year head and neck cancers make up 4% of cancers reported in the United States. Head and neck cancer is defined as any cancer that develops in your mouth, nose, vocal cords, or sinuses. While dangerous if untreated, many of these cancers are entirely treatable if caught in...
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Hearing Self-Check
How is your hearing? Rate yourself on how well you hear.Do you: Feel embarrassed due to your hearing problems when meeting new people? Feel frustrated when talking to members of your family? Have difficulty hearing when someone speaks in a whisper? Have difficulty under...
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