
How Do Allergies Affect Your Sinuses?
How Do Allergies Affect Your Sinuses?Allergies are a common issue for many, causing symptoms like sneezing, runny noses, and itchy eyes. But did you know that allergies can also have a significant impact on your sinuses? The sinuses, which are air-filled cavities in your skull...
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Can Allergies Make You Cough?
If you've ever experienced a persistent cough during allergy season, you may wonder if allergies could be to blame. Yes, allergies can make you cough, and the symptoms can be frustrating and uncomfortable. Fortunately, with proper management and treatment, you don't have to...
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Re-Evaluate: Penicillin Allergy Testing
Penicillin was the world's first mass-produced drug that could clear a bacterial infection, and today several antibiotics are in the penicillin class, allowing the drug to save countless lives. Some patients may develop adverse reactions to penicillin, but less than 1% of populat...
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12 Symptoms of Allergies
An allergy is the body's immune reaction when exposed to certain substances. The body has a natural defense system, producing antibodies to ward off illnesses. An allergy is essentially the body producing antibodies for a non-harmful substance. When the substance is present...
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