
woman with cochlear implant

Are Cochlear Implants MRI Safe?

Cochlear implants have transformed the lives of countless individuals with severe to profound hearing loss, offering the ability to reconnect with the sounds of the world. However, the need for MRI scans can raise concerns about safety and compatibility for those who rely on thes...

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man holding hearing aid

Will Hearing Aids Help Vertigo?

For many, hearing aids have been a life-changing solution to hearing loss, enhancing sound clarity and quality. But did you know that in some cases, hearing aids may also help manage vertigo?At Florida ENT Associates (FENTA), we understand the complex relationship between hearin...

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woman touching her head with her eyes closed

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a hearing condition, which is estimated to affect about 15 percent of the population. Tinnitus involves hearing a buzzing, ringing, or whooshing in your ears when the sound is not actually present. This issue affects about 1 in every 10 Americans and is more prevalent...

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Person touching hearing aid

How Long Will My Hearing Aids Last?

When selecting hearing aids, you want them to last as long as possible. Modern, high-quality hearing aids will typically last for three to seven years, but two people can buy the same hearing aids and have them last quite different amounts of time. So, what can you do to ensure t...

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Woman on a laptop

Hearing Self-Check

How is your hearing? Rate yourself on how well you hear.Do you: Feel embarrassed due to your hearing problems when meeting new people? Feel frustrated when talking to members of your family? Have difficulty hearing when someone speaks in a whisper? Have difficulty under...

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