These types of ear infections can interfere with your daily life and even stop you from participating in activities you enjoy. Chronic ear infections often don’t respond to medication and can require surgery to correct. Florida ENT Associates offers this surgery to patients to help them find lasting relief from this chronic condition.

Types of Surgery Performed 

Our providers use several types of surgery to correct chronic ear infections. An initial evaluation will allow our providers to select the best surgery for your needs. During this evaluation, your symptoms will be reviewed, and your ears will be examined. Some of the available surgical options include:


This is a surgery to correct damage to the eardrum from past infections while also helping prevent future infections. Myringoplasty is commonly performed on patients who do not have active infections or cancer within the ear bones. During the procedure, a small graft of tissue will be taken and used to repair the eardrum. After the surgery, most patients experience an improvement within one to two months. Some patients may also find their hearing has improved.

Bilateral Myringotomy and Tubes (BM-T)

The surgery is for patients who experience chronic fluid build-up within their ears. The surgery requires the provider to create a small hole within the eardrum and insert a prosthetic tube to allow fluid to drain. This is performed as an outpatient procedure, allowing patients to return home once the surgery is complete. Patients will begin to feel immediate relief. After some months, the tubes will naturally fall out, and the hole created will heal. 


This procedure repairs the eardrum while preventing future inner ear infections. It can also help reverse some cases of hearing loss. It is performed as an outpatient procedure and requires an incision behind the ear. With the use of a tissue graft, the surgeon can repair damage to the eardrum. 


The mastoid bone is found behind the ear and connects to the middle ear. During this surgery, an incision is made behind the ear to allow access to the bone. The surgeon will clean the mastoid bone to stop infections from recurring. 


A meatoplasty removes cartilage from the ear to enlarge the canal. It can help when there has been severe damage to the canal. This corrects the canal while also allowing it to be cleaned effectively.

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Doctor looking into woman's ear

Benefits of Chronic Ear Infection Surgery 

Chronic ear infections can get in the way of life, causing you to miss school, work, or events with family and friends. They can also cause damage to your ear, even reaching the bone and impacting your hearing. Surgery can help patients find lasting relief from chronic ear infection symptoms while correcting any damage caused by previous infections.

Conditions Treated Through These Surgical Procedures

  • Chronic middle and inner ear infections
  • Chronic ear pain or fluid drainage
  • Hearing loss triggered by chronic ear infections

Who is a Candidate?

The candidates for these surgeries are those experiencing chronic ear infections. Our providers will evaluate your symptoms, examine your ears and discuss your medical history to ensure you are an ideal candidate. Once this is complete, they will determine if you are a candidate for one of these surgeries or recommend another course of treatment.

About Florida ENT Associates

Florida ENT Associates is a top-rated provider for ENT treatment. 

We’ve made it our mission to provide each patient with:

Personalized Treatment

Our providers will take the time to listen to your concerns and then craft a customized treatment plan to address your unique symptoms.

Top-rated Physician Network

We’re ready to address any symptom or condition with a team of physicians.

Continuity of Care

We believe in finding long-term relief for our patients, not just “band-aid” solutions.

Community Investment

Our staff has been helping patients find lasting relief for many years.

Chronic Ear Infection Surgery FAQ

Is anesthesia required?

In many cases, yes. Anesthesia is used to keep you relaxed and comfortable during surgery. The exact type of anesthesia will depend on the surgery.

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