A Trusted Destination for Head & Neck Care

At ENT Specialists, our providers are well-known for their expertise in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating head and neck conditions—from salivary gland disorders to cancer.

woman having her neck checked

Head and Neck Treatment at ENT Specialists What to Expect

Our board-certified otolaryngologists are specially trained and vastly experienced in the latest treatments for head and neck conditions. When you arrive at our South Florida office, you can expect a full evaluation and a thorough discussion of your symptoms, along with any imaging tests required to determine the diagnosis. 

When it’s time to treat your condition, we will always opt for the least invasive option possible. In many cases, this will involve medication therapy. When surgery is required, we use minimally invasive techniques to ensure a safe and effective procedure and a speedy recovery.  

Common Conditions

There are many delicate structures and important glands located in the head and neck. When issues arise in this area, you’ll require an extensively trained, board-certified specialist who can evaluate, diagnose, and precisely treat your condition.

Thyroid Disorders

Your thyroid gland is on the front of your neck. It’s responsible for hormones that regulate your body’s other organs. When this gland produces too much or too little thyroid hormone, you can experience weight changes, sensitivity to cold temperatures, abnormal heart rate, mood issues, and more. 

Head & Neck Cancers

Cancers can impact any area of the head and neck, including the voice box, mouth, throat, sinuses, nasal cavity, and salivary glands. It often requires surgery to remove the cancer, along with radiation, chemotherapy, and other medications. Our seasoned experts are highly skilled in the diagnosis and precise treatment of the full range of head and neck cancers. 

Salivary Gland Disorders

Your salivary glands make saliva to lubricate your mouth, help with swallowing, promote digestion, and more. Problems with these glands can include stones, infection, cysts, and tumors. The treatment depends on the cause. Most benign and malignant tumors and large cysts must be removed with surgery, while other problems may be treated with medication. 


Chronic tonsillitis is when your tonsils are repeatedly infected, resulting in a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and a fever. In these cases, a tonsillectomy may be required to surgically remove your tonsils and prevent future recurrences.  

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Swollen Adenoid Glands

The adenoids are part of children’s immune systems, protecting them from viruses and bacteria. In some cases, they can become swollen due to an infection, allergies, or congenital factors. 

Large adenoids can cause trouble breathing, recurrent ear infections, sinus infections, and more. If your child’s adenoid glands are very swollen and the symptoms are interfering with their health and well-being, our specialists may recommend removing them via an adenoidectomy.

man having his throat checked

Head and Neck Surgery


If you’re experiencing frequent infections and trouble breathing due to recurrent tonsil infections, we may recommend surgically removing them (tonsillectomy). It’s an outpatient procedure that takes just 30 minutes to complete. Once you’ve healed, you can expect improved sleep quality, fewer tonsil infections, and a vastly improved quality of life. 


Adenoidectomy is a surgery that’s performed to remove your child’s adenoid glands. It’s recommended when swollen adenoids are causing breathing problems, frequent ear and sinus infections, and other issues. It’s a 30-minute outpatient procedure that can help your child breathe easier and experience fewer infections. 

Salivary Gland Surgery

If you’ve been diagnosed with a salivary gland tumor (benign or malignant), you will likely require surgery to remove the tumor, the affected gland, and any impacted lymph nodes. These surgeries require the utmost precision because the glands are located near important nerves and facial structures. 

Thyroid Surgery

During a thyroidectomy, our surgeons will remove all or a portion of your thyroid gland. We may recommend this surgery to remove cancer, nodules, or goiter or to treat an overactive thyroid. Depending on how much of your thyroid is removed, you may require ongoing hormone replacement therapy after this surgery. 

Pediatric and Adult Head and Neck Surgeons

At ENT Specialists, we’re proud to feature a team of board-certified and nationally renowned pediatric and adult head and neck surgeons. They were trained in some of the country’s top medical institutions and are experts in the latest endoscopic surgical techniques.

In addition, all of our providers have earned reputations not only for their technical expertise and surgical precision but also for their kind and patient bedside manner. You can trust that when you come to ENT Specialists for head and neck treatment, you’re in highly capable and compassionate hands. 

With 2 convenient locations across the East Florida area, we’re never far away.

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