Balance disorders cause many uncomfortable sensations, including dizziness and unsteadiness. You may also feel like you’re spinning or floating when you’re standing, sitting, or lying down. Balance disorders can occur due to problems with the inner ear or brain, head injuries, or other health conditions. Common types of balance disorders include:
- Vertigo
- Meniere’s Diseases
- Vestibular Neuritis
Balance disorders affect more than 33 million American adults annually.Characterized by the sensation of dizziness or unsteadiness, a balance disorder can cause you to feel like you are spinning or floating while you are standing, sitting or lying down.
Around 75% of Americans over the age of 70 are diagnosed with abnormal balance, and women are at greater risk than men. Symptoms include dizziness, vertigo, trouble walking, light-headedness, blurry vision, disorientation, nausea, anxiety and fatigue.
Our audiologists use every tool at their disposal to properly diagnose balance disorders, including hearing tests, imaging tests, posturography tests, and more. Once we’ve identified the underlying cause of your symptoms, we’ll outline the treatment options available, which may include balance retraining exercises, medications, surgery, and more. We will carefully review the benefits and risks of each approach and help you determine which one is in your best interest.