Hearing aids are the most effective and common treatment option for most types of hearing loss, and they are extremely useful for both children and adults alike. Since children’s language and social skills have not fully developed as adults’ have, getting the highest quality of sound possible delivered to your child’s ear is a top priority.
Why Behind-The-Ear (BTE) Hearing Aids Are Ideal for Children
There are several styles of hearing aids for adults, but children are typically fitted with Behind The Ear (BTE) hearing aids. BTE hearing aids have a casing, which sits behind the ear and houses all the electronics, which attaches over the top of the ear by wire to a speaker, which sits in the ear canal. These hearing aids are the most powerful and effective for relaying consistent, understandable sound. Due to their reliability and power, they are considered the best option for children whose language skills development is a higher priority than cosmetic concerns.