A Trusted Destination for Voice & Swallowing Care

Trouble eating, drinking, and speaking can happen at any age. These symptoms can arise due to many conditions, from acid reflux to structural issues. Our board-certified specialists have years of experience treating the full range of voice and swallowing disorders and can help you find relief. 


  • Hoarseness
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Trouble swallowing food
  • Food getting stuck in your chest
  • Changes to your voice
  • Weight loss (due to difficulty eating)
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woman having her throat checked

Voice & Swallowing Treatment at ENT Specialists What to Expect

Our board-certified otolaryngologists are specially trained to treat the full range of voice and swallowing disorders. When you arrive at our South Florida office, we’ll begin with a complete examination and discussion of your symptoms.

From there, we’ll likely perform diagnostic tests to figure out what’s causing your symptoms and determine next steps. Your treatment plan will depend on your condition. Our goal is always to restore your quality of life and relieve uncomfortable in the least invasive way possible. We also provide ongoing support as you adjust to your treatment protocol so we can make adjustments as needed to ensure maximum relief. 

Diagnostic Tests

At ENT Specialists, we are proud to have the full range of diagnostic tests available. Whether you require a biopsy, scope, x-ray, or something else, we have the technology necessary to make a full evaluation and arrive at a definitive diagnosis. 

Flexible Laryngoscopy A Powerful Diagnostic Tool 

We often use a flexible laryngoscopy to diagnose voice and swallowing disorders. It’s a quick, in-office test that takes mere minutes to complete. To begin, we will apply a local anesthetic to the back of your throat to numb the area. Then, we’ll pass a laryngoscope through your nose and into your throat. Although this might feel strange, it is not uncomfortable or painful. The scope has a lighted camera on the end so we can visualize your throat and larynx and diagnose the underlying cause of your symptoms. 

Common Voice & Swallowing Conditions

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR)

LPR is another form of acid reflux. It occurs when stomach acid travels all the way to your throat and causes symptoms there, including hoarseness, throat clearing, excess mucus, and more. For most people, these symptoms occur instead of heartburn and indigestion, making it difficult to diagnose. Treatment may include lifestyle modifications, diet changes, and medication.

Dysphagia (Swallowing Difficulties)

Swallowing problems are also called dysphagia. They are often characterized by trouble eating or drinking and getting food stuck in your chest. There are many causes of dysphagia, including LPR, structural issues, muscle disorders, brain disorders, and more. During your visit to ENT Specialists, our specialists will perform a full evaluation, along with a flexible laryngoscopy and imaging tests, to identify the cause of your dysphagia and create an individualized treatment plan. 

Airway Stenosis

Airway stenosis occurs when your airway narrows abnormally, resulting in shortness of breath, noisy breathing, hoarseness, persistent cough, recurrent pneumonia, and more. This narrowing can be due to tumors, congenital factors, an injury, or an autoimmune disease. Regardless of the cause, surgery is generally required to open your airway and restore your ability to breathe easily. 


When vocal cords spasm involuntarily, it’s called laryngospasm. When the spasms occur, they can block your airway, making it difficult to breathe or speak. Although it’s a scary experience, these spasms are generally very quick and not dangerous. They’re also usually related to an underlying condition. For example, many spasms are caused by LPR, so we can reduce the frequency of your laryngospasms by first treating your acid reflux.

Zenker’s Diverticulum

With Zenker’s diverticulum, an abnormal pouch grows at the back of your throat. This pouch develops slowly and tends to impact people over the age of 70. Zenker’s diverticulum makes it difficult to swallow food and requires surgery once symptoms start to interfere with your ability to eat and drink easily. 

Throat Cancer

In rare cases, throat cancer may be the cause of your voice and swallowing difficulties. Our experts at ENT Specialists can diagnose throat cancer by scoping your throat, taking a biopsy, and performing imaging tests (MRI or PET).

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